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Title Publisher Issue Grade Price
scan Action Comics DC 101 IRS Collection. Nuclear explosion cover VG $1,800.00
scan Action Comics DC 201 last pre-Code issue VG- $150.00
scan Action Comics DC 216 G/VG $95.00
scan Batman DC 18 Hitler/Mussolini/Hirohito wartime cover FA cover detached/tape/complete $1,200.00
scan Batman DC 25 1st Joker/Penguin team-up CGC 5.5 FN- OW pages $2,340.00
scan Batman DC 26 FA detached centerfold $250.00
scan Batman DC 44 Joker G/VG $1,500.00
scan Batman DC 48 Batcave secrets VG $650.00
scan Batman DC 52 Joker VG- $850.00
scan Batman DC 58 Penguin cover FA split cover $250.00
scan Batman DC 60 GD detached cover $175.00
scan Boy Commandos DC 36 intro Atomobile FN- $119.00
scan Detective Comics DC 59 2nd Penguin F/VF $1,500.00
scan Detective Comics DC 86 Detective Alfred CGC 5.0 VG/F OW-W pages $1,200.00
scan Detective Comics DC 193 Joker GD $250.00
scan Detective Comics DC 197 The Wrecker GD rusty staples $108.00
scan Detective Comics DC 201 impersonator hero FN+ $425.00
scan Detective Comics DC 202 pirates FN+ $425.00
scan Detective Comics DC 204 immortal elixir FN+ $425.00
scan Detective Comics DC 207 Merko the Magician FN- $300.00
scan Detective Comics DC 208 GD $94.00
scan Detective Comics DC 212 evil puppets VF- $500.00
scan Detective Comics DC 220 VG+ $225.00
scan Detective Comics DC 226 Robin costume origin FN- $600.00
scan Detective Comics DC 227 Martian Manhunter story G/VG $160.00
scan Gangbusters DC 43 VG $26.00
scan Sensation Comics DC 37 Wonder Woman VG+ $500.00
scan Sensation Comics DC 44 Wonder Woman GD- $225.00
scan Sensation Comics DC 48 Wonder Woman VG tape $425.00
scan Sensation Comics DC 49 Wonder Woman FN $550.00
scan Sensation Comics DC 52 Wonder Woman FN $600.00
scan Sensation Comics DC 66 Wonder Woman G/VG $225.00
scan Superman DC 57 Lois as Superwoman cover FA $250.00
scan Superman DC 87 intro The Thing VG $184.00
scan Superman DC 91 intro "Doc Merlin" VG/F $225.00
scan Superman DC 91 FA cover detached $50.00
scan Superman DC 93 intro Wilmington Waffle FN- $240.00
scan Superman DC 93 intro Wilmington Waffle VG $168.00
scan Superman DC 98 (2 copies) GD $84.00 each
scan Wonder Woman DC 43 CGC 4.0 VG $720.00